Herber, E. (2013). Designing The Persuasive Learning Experience. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on EuroPLOT Persuasive Technologies for Learning 2013. Leeds Metropolitan University. [Article]
Those of you who are interested in Instructional Design, find here my forthcoming publication about "Designing The Persuasive Learning Experience" with excerpts and findings from one of my running LLP projects EuroPLOT
While the persuasive strength of a...
The Participant Portal, the central web platform for the EC research and innovation funding, is improving its user-friendliness and functions for H2020.This webinar will highlight its main features.
All the grant-related online exchanges of EC research...
VARE 2013, is the 2nd international conference on technology, applications and use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the education field. Previous conference was held in Latvia, at the Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Institute of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
In this webinar held on the 16th April, members from the SCARLET project team shared their experiences of working on the SCARLET+ project team. Testimonials from Rose Lock at the University of Sussex and Jean Vacher from the University for the Creative Arts describe how their AR outputs are being...
Herber, E.; Schmidt-Hertha, B.; Zauchner, S. (2013) Technologieeinsatz in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung. In: L3T - Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien. Ein interdisziplinäres Lehrbuch. [Article]