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New Report
Survey of Schools: ICT in Education Benchmarking Access, Use and Attitudes to Technology in Europe’s Schools. FINAL REPORT. A study prepared for the European Commission DG Communications Networks, Content &...
The first Country Reports of the 2013 series of Country Reports on ICT in education are now available. The other reports will follow shortly. The reports are drafted based on the information provided by Ministries of Education through an annual questionnaire. This initiative is one of the major...
This final report of a European research project presents the results of 1to1 Learning study discussing the implementation strategies of current 1:1 initiatives and concluding on policy options for mainstreaming 1:1 initiatives that focus on the notion of 1:1 learning rather than 1:1 devices and...
Herber, E.; Waba, St. (2011) It’s not a netbook – it’s a lifestyle! How could mobile technologies be used didactically to bridge formal and informal learning? In: Mobile learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments (Proceedings). [Preprint]
Herber, E. (2011) Lerninfrastrukturen für mobiles Lernen: Rahmenbedingungen bei der Einführung mobiler Lerntechnologien. In: Mobile Learning: Crossing boundaries in convergent environments (Proceedings). [Preprint]
Herber, E.; Waba, St. (2011) Lernen und Forschen mit mobilen Endgeräten - Wie finden wir Zugang zur persönlichen Umgebung der Lernenden? In: zeitschrift für e-learning - Themenheft "E-Learning: Aktuelle empirische Forschungsansätze", StudienVerlag, Innsbruck, Wien,...